
Antonio García Loureiro

A novel machine learning workflow to optimize cooling devices grounded in solid-state physics
Efficiency improvement of ultrathin CIGS solar cells
Design and Characterization of a 53.5% Efficient Gallium Indium Phosphide-Based Optical Photovoltaic Converter under 637 nm Laser Irradiation at 10 W cm−2
Study of Laser Power Converters based on GaN for High Power Applications
A new path towards ultra-high efficient laser power converters: Silicon carbide-based multijunction devices
Wide-bandgap III-V materials for high efficiency air and underwater optical photovoltaic power transmission
Upper Subcell Properties Effects on 2T-Perovskite/PERT C-Si Tandem Solar Cell Performance
Optimization of thermionic cooling semiconductor heterostructures with deep learning techniques
An accurate machine learning model to study the impact of realistic metal grain granularity on Nanosheet FETs
Photogeneration and Performance Optimization (PhPO): A New Algorithm to Improve the Performance of Vertical Epitaxial Hetero-Structure Architecture Laser Power Converters
A machine learning approach to model the impact of line edge roughness on gate-all-around nanowire FETs while reducing the carbon footprint
Improving the performance of photovoltaic laser power converters using automatic global optimization techniques
A general toolkit for advanced semiconductor transistors: from simulation to machine learning
Accurate Modelling of a GaAs-Based Laser Power Converter
Analysis of the statistical impact of variability in a 12 nm nanosheet FET
An accurate neural network model to study threshold voltage variability due to metal grain granularity in Nanosheet FETs
Towards Ultra-High Efficiency Laser Power Converters: 3C- SiC-Based Vertical Epitaxial Hetero-Structure Architecture Devices
A comprehensive Pelgrom-based on-current variability model for FinFET, NWFET and NSFET
Pelgrom-based predictive model to estimate metal grain granularity and line edge roughness in advanced multigate MOSFETs
A comprehensive Pelgrom-based on-current variability model for FinFET, NWFET and NSFET
Laser power converter architectures based on 3C-SiC with efficiencies > 80%
Dependence of the vertical - tunnel - junction GaAs solar cell on concentration and temperature
GaAs Vertical-Tunnel-Junction Converter for Ultra-High Laser Power Transfer
Impact of metal grain granularity on three gate-all-around advanced architectures
Simulations of Statistical Variability in n-Type FinFET, Nanowire, and Nanosheet FETs
Semiconductor devices variability: modelling, characterization and data management
Threshold voltage variability study in a 12 nm gate length Nanosheet FET
A new AXT format for an efficient SpMV product using AVX-512 instructions and CUDA
Does the threshold voltage extraction method affect device variability?
Numerical optimisation and recombination effects on the vertical-tunnel-junction (VTJ) GaAs solar cell up to 10,000 suns
Ultra-efficient intrinsic-vertical-tunnel-junction structures for next-generation concentrator solar cells
Vacuum annealing effect on physical properties and electrical circuit model of ZnO:Sn/SnO<inf>2</inf>:F bilayer structure
Combined nanoscale KPFM characterization and device simulation for the evaluation of the MOSFET variability related to metal gate workfunction fluctuations
A multi-method simulation toolbox to study performance and variability of nanowire FETs
Fabrication and Characterization of Sensitive Room Temperature NO<inf>2</inf> Gas Sensor Based on ZnSnO<inf>3</inf> Thin Film
Workfunction fluctuations in polycrystalline TiN observed with KPFM and their impact on MOSFETs variability
Impact of Gate Edge Roughness Variability on FinFET and Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET
Drift-Diffusion Versus Monte Carlo Simulated ON-Current Variability in Nanowire FETs
Vertical-Tunnel-Junction (VTJ) Solar Cell for Ultra-High Light Concentrations (>2000 Suns)
AXC: A new format to perform the SpMV oriented to Intel Xeon Phi architecture in OpenCL
Impact of threshold voltage extraction methods on semiconductor device variability
Study of GaAs Vertical Solar Cells at High Concentration Levels
Improving performance of iterative solvers with the AXC format using the Intel Xeon Phi
Spatial Sensitivity of Silicon GAA Nanowire FETs Under Line Edge Roughness Variations
Efficiency increase of a-Si:H solar cells with optimized front and back contact textures
Modelling of nanoscale multi-gate transistors affected by atomistic interface roughness
FoMPy: A figure of merit extraction tool for semiconductor device simulations
FinFET versus gate-all-around nanowire FET: Performance, scaling, and variability
MPI-Performance-Aware-Reallocation: method to optimize the mapping of processes applied to a cloud infrastructure
Impact of Cross-Sectional Shape on 10-nm Gate Length InGaAs FinFET Performance and Variability
Metal Grain Granularity Study on a Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET
Performance evaluation of FreeSurfer medical application in cloud computing
Study of Strained Effects in Nanoscale GAA Nanowire FETs Using 3D Monte Carlo Simulations
A study of the influence of VM allocation policies on MPI Bcast and MPI Exchange latency in cloud
Collection length and optical path improvement in a-Si:H solar cells
Characterisation of a tunnel field-effect transistor using 2D TCAD simulations
3D Monte Carlo simulatisns of strained Si GAA nanowire FETs with different channel orientations
Metal grain work-function variability in GAA Si nanowire via a fluctuation sensitivity map
Local Defect Density in Polycrystalline High-k Dielectrics: CAFM-Based Evaluation Methodology and Impact on MOSFET Variability
Fluctuation Sensitivity Map: A Novel Technique to Characterise and Predict Device Behaviour Under Metal Grain Work-Function Variability Effects
Simulations of a Planar Silicon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor
Analytical transfer equations for the spectral modelling of III-V multi-junction concentrator solar cells
2D Simulation Evaluation of PE-TFET device
Band gaps modelling of dilute bismide (GaBi x As 1-x) and dilute nitride (GaN x As 1-x)
GWM: An intelligent task manager applied to semiconductor statistical studies
Scaling/LER study of Si GAA nanowire FET using 3D finite element Monte Carlo simulations
Simulation of DIBL effect in 25 nm SOI-FinFET with the different body shapes
Two-dimensional simulation study of textured p-i-n a-Si:H solar cells with p-a-SiC:H and p-nc-Si:H window layers
Impact of cross-section of 10.4 nm gate length In0.53Ga0.47As FinFETs on metal grain variability
3D MC simulations of strain, channel orientation, and quantum confinement effects in nanoscale Si SOI FinFETs
Study of point-to-point communication latency for MPI implementations in cloud
Simulation study of scaled In0.53Ga0.47As and Si FinFETs for sub-16 nm technology nodes
Study of Metal-Gate Work-Function Variation Using Voronoi Cells: Comparison of Rayleigh and Gamma Distributions
Design for Maximum Power Transfer Efficiency of Thermoelectric Generators using Mixed Mode Simulations
Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of Non-Typical Semiconductor Materials with Conventional CAD Tools
Updated insight into the use of μc-Si:H n-layers in a-Si:H solar cells
Anisotropic Quantum Corrections for 3-D Finite-Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale Multigate Transistors
Comparison of Fin-Edge Roughness and Metal Grain Work Function Variability in InGaAs and Si FinFETs
Performance limitations of a text search application running in cloud instances
GWMEP: Task-Manager- as-a-Service in Apache CloudStack
Scaling/LER Study of Si GAA Nanowire FET using 3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations
Study of basic vector operations on Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA Tesla using OpenCL
Multi-junction solar cells electrical characterization by neuronal networks under different irradiance, spectrum and cell temperature
Multi-Subband Interface Roughness Scattering using 3D Finite Element Monte Carlo with 2D Schodinger Equation for Simulations of sub-16nm FinFETs
Multi-Subband Interface Roughness Scattering using 2D Finite Element Schodinger Equation for Monte Carlo Simulations of Multi-Gate Transistors
Anisotropic Schrodinger Equation Quantum Corrections for 3D Monte Carlo simulations of Nanoscale Multigate Transistors
A Flexible Cluster System for the Management of Virtual Clusters in the Cloud
Improving CPU Service Offerings in Apache CloudStack
Multijunction Concentrator Solar Cells: Analysis and Fundamentals
Anisotropic Schrödinger Equation Quantum Corrections for 3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Triangular SOI Fin-FET
Evaluation of the Collection Length and Optical Path Enhancement in a-Si:H Solar Cells
General Workload Manager: a Task Manager as a Service
Variability Characterisation of Nanoscale Si and InGaAs Fin Field-Effect-Transistors at Subthreshold
Study of the KVM CPU performance of Open-Source cloud management platforms
Design and Monte Carlo Simulation of a LED-based Optic Coupler
Implementation and performance analysis of the AXPY, DOT, and SpMV functions on Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA Tesla using OpenCL
Comparison of state-of-the-art distributed computing frameworks with the GWM
Spectral Coupling of Atmosphere and the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
Implementation of numerical methods for nanoscaled semiconductor device simulation using OpenCL
A tool to deploy nanodevice simulations on Cloud
Raytracing and electromagnetic 2-D simulations of the EQE of a-Si:H thin-film solar cells
3-D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Scaled Si SOI FinFET With Different Cross Sections
Variability characterisation of nanoscale Si and InGaAs FinFETs at subthreshold
MC/DD Study of Metal Grain Induced Current Variability in a Nanoscale InGaAs FinFET
Implementation of the KVM Hypervisor on Several Cloud Platforms: Tuning the Apache CloudStack Agent
Fostering data reduction and analysis in radio astronomy with CASA through the use of Cloud and virtualization technologies
3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Study of Scaled Triangular SOI FinFETs using 2D Schrödinger Quantum Corrections
Evaluación del rendimiento de hipervisores usados en infraestructuras cloud que aprovechan la virtualización por hardware
Influence of device geometry on electrical characteristics of a 10.7 nm SOI-FinFET
WN and TiN metal gate workfunction variability in a 10.4 nm gate length InGaAs FinFET
Influence of textured interfaces in the performance of a–Si:H double–junction solar cell
3D Finite Element Schrodinger Equation Corrected Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale FinFETs
3D Monte Carlo Study of Scaled SOI FinFETs Using 2D Schrodinger Quantum Corrections
Scaling of Metal Gate Workfunction Variability in nanometer SOI-FinFETs
Statistical study of the influence of LER and MGG in SOI MOSFET
Random Dopant, Line-Edge Roughness, and Gate Workfunction Variability in a Nano InGaAs FinFET
Quantum Corrections Based on the 2-D Schrödinger Equation for 3-D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscaled FinFETs
Impact of series and shunt resistances in amorphous silicon thin film solar cells
Analysis of high concentrator photovoltaic modules in outdoor conditions: Influence of direct normal irradiance, air temperature, and air mass
Improving subthreshold MSB-EMC simulations by dynamic particle weighting
3D Finite Element Quantum Corrected Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale Si SOI FinFETs
Outdoor evaluation of concentrator photovoltaic systems modules from different manufacturers: first results and steps
A two subcell equivalent solar cell model for III-V triple junction solar cells under spectrum and temperature variations
3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Multigate Nanoscale Transistors
Simulation of the spin polarization and the charge transport in Zener tunnel junctions based on ferromagnetic GaAs and ZnO
Simulation of a-Si:H Dual Junction Solar Cells
Nanodevice simulations on CloudStack
Calculation of Cell Temperature in a HCPV Module using Voc
Performance of Two Possible Implementations of ILUT Preconditioners in the 3D Nanodevice Simulation
Study of statistical variability in nanoscale transistors introduced by LER, RDF and MGG
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Random Dopant and Metal-Gate Workfunction Variability in an In0.53Ga0.47As GAA MOSFET
Render on the cloud: Using Cinelerra on virtualized infrastructures
Cloud computing for teaching and learning MPI with improved network communications
Performance of numerical simulations on the cloud
Análisis del rendimiento de una aplicación cosmológica sobre máquinas virtuales
Performance of OpenMP simulations on the cloud
3D Simulation Study of Work-Function Variability in a 25 nm Metal-Gate FinFET with Curved Geometry using Voronoi Grains
Simulation of light trapping and electrical performance of thin film aSi:H solar cells with textured interfaces
Performance of the CloudStack KVM Pod primary storage under NFS version 3
Static Multipole Method Applied to Boundary Conditions for Semiconductor Device Simulations
Formiga CLOUD: una herramienta para la gestión y aprovechamiento de los recursos de las aulas de informática
Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation of DGSOI MOSFET
3D ‘atomistic’ simulations of dopant induced variability in nanoscale implant free In0.75Ga0.25As MOSFETs
Simulación y modelado de la magnetorresistencia en uniones magnéticas túnel multicapa
Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of bulk MOSFETs for the 32 nm-node and beyond
Descripción de la Plataforma Formiga Cloud
Comparativa y Estudio de distribución de software de cálculo científico en entornos cloud con CVMFS
Comparación del rendimiento entre hipervisores XEN y KVM usando virtualización
Influence of air mass, DNI and air temperature in CPV modules: Study of different technologies
An Open-Source cloud management platform comparison
Implementation of the Density Gradient Quantum Corrections for 3-D Simulations of Multigate Nanoscaled Transistors
Spin-polarized transport in a full magnetic pn tunnel junction
Simulation of electron transport in magnetic tunnel junctions using the drift-diffusion model
An e-science infrastructure for nanoelectronic simulations based on grid and cloud technologies
Simulation of the temperature dependence of a-Si:H solar cell current-voltage characteristics
Temperature dependence of monolithic III-V triple-junction solar cell
Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation of n-MOSFET on unstructured Meshes
Simulation of the effect of p-layer properties on the electrical behaviour of a a-Si:H thin solar cell
Simulation of transport in fully epitaxial (Zn,Co)O/ZnO/(Zn,Co)O magnetic tunnel junction
Drift-Diffusion simulations of a 20 nm InGaAs implant free quantum well MOSFET
Parallel performance of the PETSc Krylov methods applied to linear systems of 3D nanodevice simulators
Multi-Subband Monte Carlo Simulation of Oxide Thickness Fluctuation on SGSOI MOSFETs
3D Monte Carlo simulations of a 25 nm gate length SOI FinFET using unstructured tetrahedral grids
Increasing the Locality of Iterative Methods and its Application to the Simulation of Semiconductor Devices
Channel Length impact on Velocity Overshoot in UTB-DGSOI
Impact of Random Dopant Fluctuations on a Tri-Gate MOSFET
Multi-Subband Monte Carlo study of device orientation effects in ultra-short channel DGSOI
Channel Inversion Charge Dependence on Silicon Thickness in Ultra Thin Double-Gate SOI MOSFETs
Reduction of the self-forces in Monte Carlo simulations of semiconductor devices on unstructured meshes