Project Listing

ELBA: Establishment of training and research centers and course development on Intelligent Big Data Analysis in Central Asia
FIBRATIC: Intelligent Systems for the Industry 4.0
MiniStor: MiniStor-MINImal Size Thermal and Electrical Energy STORage System for In-Situ Residential Installation
GAMEST: GAMification tEchniqueS for entrepreneurial vet Teachers
NL4XAI: Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
SOFTMANBOT: Advanced RoBOTic Technology for Handling SOFT Materials in MANufacturing Sectors
Multi3Generation: Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation
RXLib: Development of an image processing library specific for X-ray imaging
Object Recognition by means of 3D point clouds
SenseStore1: Efficient storage and publication of remote sensing data
RADAR-ON-RAIA: Radars on the RAIA Observatory
SEADDA: Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age
Investigation of advanced candidate architectures to be used in future electronic devices. Performance, optimization and resistance to variability.
CMOS Vision Sensors, Power Management, and Object Tracking on Embedded GPUs
DOMINO: Neural Machine Translation, In DOMain, NO supervised
BIGCIDIA: Big Data and Data Science: Challenges in the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Data Analysis
inVerbis: Tell it in words
eRISK: Technologies for the early prediction o signs related with psychological disorders
ADHERE-U: Models, techniques and methodologies based on Artificial Intelligence for improving medication adherence
QC4SUSTEX: Authentication and security of sustainable textiles and development of devices for the effective environmental control under fabrication
"Glocal" and continuous Machine Learning for a society of intelligent devices
TRAFAIR: Understanding Traffic Flows to Improve Air quality
AVECEN: Virtual Assistant for the active aging of people with mental neurodegenerative diseases
SMARTCARDIA: Intelligent and predictive platform for supporting the clinical management of the cardiac rehabilitation process
System for the detection and tracking of objects for air traffic control by means of Deep Learning
Gamification for recruitment
Consultancy for the analysis of the applicability of process mining technology
Viability analysis of the algorithm for the identification of vegetation an other artificial elements in the river basin
iGLN: Excellence Network on Intelligent Data Analysis and Natural Language Generation
New bacterial biomarkers, functional activities, dynamic changes and bacterial interactions in chronic periodontal disease
eXplica-IA: Designing eXplainable AI Systems which interact with people in Natural Language
HPC4AI: High-Performance Computing for Artificial Intelligence
BIGBISC: Fueling intelligence to business processes with soft computing in Big Data Scenarios
QPET_RADIOMICS: Advanced image quantification for personalized cancer treatments
eMolExpert: Cloud software system for the managing of molecular and analytical data and the use of Artificial Intelligence for supporting scientific decisions
Towards an EU research framework on forensic psychiatric care
KEYSTONE: Semantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs
ACHEGAMED: Ubiquitous diagnosis unit for the prevention, control and self-management of health
BIVALPLUS: Integral improvement of the production of carpetshell and cockles
SARELA: Self-powered system with thermoelectric and photovoltaic energy harvesting
HPCNLP: High Performance Computing for Natural Language Processing
OPERE: Efficient Management of Energy Networks
SOSSI: Semantic integration of observational data using SOS
OPENET4PEOPLE: Software to manage location-based mobile marketing campaigns
SIFREMO: Interactive system to photograph and represent fashion clothing
MBEAT HOME EDITION: Smart, ubiquitous and real time monitoring system for chronic patients with heart diseases
DESEO: Desarrollo de Sistemas Avanzados de Monitorización y Mantenimiento en el Sector Eólico
DESTACAR: Development of Technology for High Performance Component Manufacturing
PLASTIC: People As a Service supported by the Information and Communication Technologies
PLEEC: Planning for Energy Efficient Cities
QUIRAV: Advanced Operating Room
Service robots that learn from you and like you
MONDEGO: Surveillance and MONitoring baseD on low-power intEGrated visiOn devices (MONDEGO)